Register a Name & Receive an
Official Certificate
Purchase a Name. Receive Your Certificate. Be the First to Own it to Receive Perks.
Registry Name

As the emerging name registration market began exploding in early 1989, there seemed to be a lack of legitimacy and validation to the product. As the Soviet Union began to crumble, so did their stranglehold on the Name Registration world. As the name registration market began to fall into chaos many city states could not maintain a devoted, reputable, honest, trustworthy, and responsible registry.
Today is a new day. The failings of the past will not dictate how new name registration is handled., in coordination with the Overseers, will maintain a long standing product for now and many generations to come. Register your name, receive your certificate, and be the first to own it. We will do the rest. Other life changing products coming soon. Check out this sweet band while you're here ==>